KJ HILL is the Executive Pastor at Rebuild Fellowship in Durham, NC, and is the co-founder and board chairman for Durham’s ReCity Network. KJ holds a Masters in Religious Studies with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Mobile in Alabama, as well as a BA in Psychology from Houghton College in New York. KJ has 4 years of professional soccer experience and 10 years of collegiate soccer coaching experience. He also has experience in counseling and mental health services working as a juvenile probations officer, a counselor at a college counseling center, an intensive in-home therapist, and as a pastoral counselor. KJ has served as a pastor for the last 16 years.
At NCNbA, KJ combines counseling and spirituality, and, if desired by clients, incorporates ancient and modern religious teachings into his instruction. KJ help’s clients to find and renew meaning and purpose in the pursuit of a value-driven life. KJ also has interests in the nascent field of sports neuroscience as a means to improve mental health and wellness.