What FIND is and who it is for.

FIND is an evidence-based, intensive outpatient program designed for clients 16+ years old with complex emotional problems, including severe anxiety and depression, or executive function deficits, including those related to OCD, ADHD, acquired brain injury, chronic medical conditions, burnout and trauma-exposure.

FIND is specifically designed for individuals who feel they need a reset. We help you find purpose, find realistic academic, career, and relationship goals, and find balance to live a values-driven life.

Personalized Therapy

FIND consists of a multi-modal transdiagnostic treatment protocol that targets the social withdrawal and executive function difficulties that underlie the vast majority of mental health problems and loss of pleasure or meaning in life.  FIND begins with extraordinarily comprehensive assessments that generate client-specific clinical, cognitive, learning, personality and brain imaging data, that is then provided to the client and used to generate a solution-focused and life-skill based training plan and intervention.

  1. Understand – with comprehensive assessments drawing from cognitive science, neuroscience, personality science, and western and eastern medicine, we help clients understand themselves and what is holding them back from living a life of meaning and joy.
  2.  Personalize & Treat – technical data is used to develop a personally tailored skills-training and intervention program, which blends evidence-based psychotherapies and CBTs with mindfulness meditation, movement practices like yoga and dance, wilderness adventures, and many more. Treatments typically span 2-6 months in total, beginning with intensive daily sessions (3-5hrs per day for 4 days per week) that taper to weekly sessions (2hrs per week) down to monthly check-ins.

Treatment Strategies Offered:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
  • Interpersonal Therapy
  • Family Education
  • Group Therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Neurofeedback
  • Yoga
  • Massage Therapy
  • Mindful Eating
  • Drama and movement
  • Meditation
  • Sound therapy (binaural beats, gong sound bath)
  • Indoor Rock Climbing
  • Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)
  • Habit Reversal
  • Executive Function Skills Training
  • Life Skills Training
  • Wilderness and outdoors adventure experiences
  • Academic remediation and tutoring
  • Medication management
  • Treatment for Co-occurring Conditions


Dr. Brigidi and his team are excellent and compassionate. Dr. Brigidi helped my son and my family through a crisis and provided excellent follow up and care. I am so grateful for Dr. Brigidi and the FIND team. They have done so much for my son and my family. I consider seeing Dr. Brigidi and the FIND team a privilege and an unbelievable opportunity.

-Father of a young adult client who completed a small group FIND program

Dr. Bart,

The tools you’ve equipped me with, and skills you’ve taught me for helping process what I’ve been through have been incredibly helpful. I really have learned so much about myself, and find that I’m regaining things in my life I’d felt like I had lost. You’ve also helped me have much better tools for self-efficacy – which is something that’s taken years to work on.

In total – it really feels like I have the tools and ability to take control of my life again, rather than feeling like my life was running away from me. I know there will still be challenges, difficulties, unexpected things. But I do believe I can greet those in a healthier manner.

Also, thank you to both you and Jasmine for making me feel so supported and welcomed throughout the entire process. Your kindness and care for others is transparent.

-Previous client who completed a comprehensive neuroscience-based assessment and CBT

Dear Dr. Bart and Jasmine,

We want to write to you both to let you know how much we appreciate everything you have done for our son, and to get him back on track for college. Your help through this year has gotten us through many times of worry and at times panic. You will never know how much you helped our son to identify his need for support to help him through his OCD, anxiety, and mood problems to give him peace of mind that he needed. You have given him peace of mind and removed his suffering!

During the initial scare of the hospitalizations, Dr. Bart, you took the time to call us personally on many occasions to listen and give advice that we needed to ease our fears. We have never experienced this level of personal care, and it led to a very strong bond in the therapeutic relationship, and to why our son ultimately became well.

There are not many times in life, Dr. Bart and Jasmine, when you cross paths with people who have made a difference in not only your child’s life, but also your very own. Words cannot express how grateful we are for your care of our family. This year has not been easy. Please know that we are forever grateful for your guidance and personalized care. Thank you!

-Father of a young adult client who completed a small group FIND program

I have ADHD and was depressed and burnt out from work. My marriage and family life has been in shambles. I had begun to think about ending my life. Dr. Brigidi and his team helped me to truly find new direction and joy in my life. The program transformed the darkness in my life to be a distant memory. I now am confident that I can overcome these thoughts and feelings to live life well. Aftercare is excellent. Dr. Brigidi and his team researched and then reached out to several local therapists for me. I was able to set up regular therapy at home to continue the gains I made in FIND.

-Adult client in FIND program completing a 1:1 private intensive FIND retreat

Our daughter and our family have learned so much about ourselves in the comprehensive assessment with brain imaging conducted by Dr. Brigidi. Treatment in FIND for her autism and severe OCD was challenging but so rewarding. It changed my daughter’s life. She can now go to school, work a job, interact better socially and she recently even gave me a big long hug which was the best reward.

-Mother of older teenager who completed an intensive 1:1 private intensive OCD treatment in the FIND program

I was so stressed out for so long that I had forgotten what it felt like to be happy. My life was miserable despite “doing well” and being a high achiever at work. I came to Dr. Brigidi for an intensive wellness FIND retreat for 10 days. It was the best decision that I ever have made for my health, and one of the best 10 day periods of my life. I am at home now and every day doing many of the very same healthy activities that I started in the FIND program including yoga nearly every day. I am so thankful to Dr. Brigidi for the FIND experience.

-Highly successful, young professional completing a 1:1 private intensive FIND retreat

Dr. Bart, I wanted to let you know that we had an absolutely delightful weekend with our daughter this past weekend. We have not experienced this in so long. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The big family event this past Sunday could have been so stressful but I was so pleased to have my daughter with me at the luncheon. Everyone remarked how vibrant she was, and they just thought she looked so very happy! She was appropriately social, calm and so engaging, sweet, helpful, and really just fun to be with. Thank you so much to you and your team! We have our daughter back!

-Mother of young adult enrolled in a small group FIND for severe anxiety, bipolar, serial employment and academic failures, social withdrawal, and estranged family and friend relationships.

Our daughter suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. After working with Dr. Brigidi in the FIND program she is starting to think more clearly and logically. We have been amazed at how focused and clear she became in her speaking and in her actions. She is less forgetful and does not lose her train of thought as much. She is more confident and more accepting of her cognitive and emotional challenges. One of the most important changes is that she has better insight into her strengths and weaknesses. It is through the good work of FIND and the care that Dr. Brigidi took with our daughter and family that this has all taken effect. We have been over the moon and so excited to see a glimpse of what our daughter was capable of before her traumatic brain injury. We have seen so many different doctors but with FIND she is finally taking a turn for the best. We now have hope that her condition can improve.

-Mother of young adult client completing a small group FIND program for long-term recovery from mTBI